How to fight depression naturally

How to fight depression naturally In recent years , rates of depression in men and women are increasing and many patients use antidepressants to combat this disease. What you may not know is that by following some simple dietary recommendations that you can reduce the risk of depression . 
Diet plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of depression and to fight depression naturally According to scientists, there are certain foods that enhance our mental health , due to the fact that promote the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone associated with good how to fight depression naturally humor .
It is no accident that the effect of several antidepressants is actually based how to fight depression naturally  on the production of serotonin .
Supplements containing amino acid phenylalanine , which is a highly allergenic factor how to fight depression naturally. This means that you should avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame .
Foods high in saturated fats. It seems that the consumption of meat or fried foods such as hamburgers and fries, leads to sluggishness and fatigue how to fight depression naturally .