cognitive behavioral theory

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cognitive behavioral theory around the year 1960 , Aaron Beck published a classic series of articles on the basic method and the theoretical framework of cognitive -behavioral theory. Although his early work was mostly written in the pathology in the styles of information processing in patients with anxiety or depression, but in his later works , also known as behavioral methods , the fight against tax evasion and reverse impotence. After regular contributions studying cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy research enrich this .

A simple overview of CBT Model: Usually multisystemic integrative model is used by cognitive-behavioral therapists to plan and design the treatment of patients . The evaluation is based primarily on observations of cognitive behavioral theory . Apart from these, also takes into account other , biological , social, spiritual, and interpersonal .

Levels of cognition :

Aaron Beck and his colleagues presented three levels of cognitive behavioral theory that are applicable to the cognitive- behavioral theory . They are:

1 . Mindfulness - This is a condition in which decisions are taken at the normal full alertness, attention and responsiveness.

Two . Automatic thoughts  cognitive behavioral theory are contrasted with cognition mentioned above. They are more independent self-government. They are often deprived and exploited quickly in everyday thinking . Not observed or treated with such care . Automatic thoughts depend mainly on the state of mind . If depressed , thoughts will be low, negative and ineffective.

Three . Schemes - also known as core beliefs , third and deepest among all levels of cognitive behavioral theory . Are models or basic guidelines for the treatment of information. They consist of many life experiences and cognitive behavioral theory the development of other influences. It is a common goal of CBT interventions , as they play an important role in adaptation strategies and regulate behavioral confidence.
Cognitive behavioral theory
The key behavioral theories : During the progress of modern methods of CBT , cognitive theories have been well mixed with the findings of the study cognitive behavioral theory of the concepts of behavior. Some of the results of this research are:

1 . Behavioral techniques are useful for modifying the depressive behavior , lack of interest, lack of energy and decreased psychomotor activities .

Two . Behavioral interventions may be useful for patients coping , problem solving and social skills recover. Behavioral interventions include programming and other tasks.

Three . For anxiety disorders , exposure therapy and other interventions are effective and beneficial methods cognitive behavioral theory.