Are you debating a career with the United States Armed Services? Do you have dreams of enlisting in the military to serve your country, travel the world, get money for college, or simply live a life of patriotic adventure? In this article I will give you some tips and advice regarding joining the US Armed Services.I often hear this comment from potential military recruits "I think I want to join the Army" (or Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard). Joining the military was one of the best decisions in my adult life and may very well be for you, however this is not a decision that you want to take lightly.While the military certainly offers a great deal of benefits, it also requires a serious commitment with rigorous work and personal sacrifices. Therefor, if this is something you are interested in doing, be sure to properly weigh your options prior to enlistment.
A quick overview of what happens once you decide to join the military is perhaps the place to start. You will have to contact your recruiter, fill out a mountain of paperwork and undergo a background check. You will have to pass a variety of examinations including fitness, medical, vision, hearing, psychological, and academic.This process can take anywhere from a few short weeks or longer depending on what is involved in your individual situation. Once you pass and qualify you will receive a bootcamp or ship date.
There are a number of benefits to joining the Coast Guard. If you are considering signing up, contact your local Coast Guard recruitment office or visit their official website.n a world where you may feel that what you do has little impact on anyone else, becoming a soldier gives you a chance to make a difference. In order to make this important contribution, you must know the requirements to join the Army so you can prepare yourself for service. Your Army recruiter can tell you about opportunities in the service, but you must meet some basic requirements. Non-negotiable Requirements To Join The Army,The Army offers you opportunities for service and for career training, but you must come in with a high school diploma. Have a GED? The Army may accept you, but you won't get as far as soldiers with diplomas. If you have taken at least 15 credit hours after receiving your GED, you will be given full credit for the GED.To be useful in performing their duties, soldiers must be in good physical shape. You need to be in good health,have good physical condition, and pass a standard physical. You don't need perfect eyesight even to work in aviation, but your vision problems must be correctable by lenses, contacts, or laser surgery
The Army depends on the vigor of youth, but you must be at least 18 to join the service, although a parent or guardian may sign a consent form if you want to enter at 17. Active-duty soldiers must be between 17 and 42, reservists between 17 and 40, and guard soldiers between 17 and 35.Your Citizenship's Status,The Army accepts any legal permit resident of the United States with a green card that substantiates his resident alien status for enlistment in the U.S. Army. If the recruit wants to become a citizen, he will be fast-tracked along the road to naturalization. Until that time, he might be restricted from performing some Army jobs, but he will treated as a citizen within the Army. US citizenship at the time of recruitment is not a requirement to join the Army.
By the way, if you considering joining the military you should download my free ebook: "Raise Your ASVAB Score With 10 Simple Tips" . The Coast Guard's Aviation Trainng Center in Mobile, Alabama has a dual mission. The first is to train newly winged Coast Guard pilots to fly the aircraft they'll be flying once they join the fleet.The second is to maintain the qualifications of fleet aviators.When you finish flight school you'll be assigned to fly fly either the HH-60 Jayhawk, HH-65 Dauphin, HU-25 Guardian, HC-144 Ocean Sentry of the HC 130 Hercules. Pilots for every aircraft listed above (except C-130 pilots who train with the Air Force) will go the ATC.When you go to the ATC you'll be a winged pilot. In other words you'll be official but you are still at the beginning of your journey. Be proud of earning your wings but realize you still have a lot to learn.It's the Aviation Training Center's job to make sure that you have a firm understanding and knowledge of the aircraft you'll be flying when you get to your operational air station.Coast guard pilots have a lot of responsibility placed on their shoulders. The C.G. is the premier maritime law enforcement agency and stands shoulder to shoulder with other agencies (such as the FBI) in preventing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Coastie aviation plays a vital role in both of these areas.Once you become qualified in your aircraft you'll go one of the many operation air stations across the nation where you'll gain real world experience with your aircraft and the various missions performed, by men and women like you, day in and day out.
Before enlisting, you should know the requirements to join the Army to make sure you can meet them. In many cases, you can do what is necessary to enlist, such as losing weight, developing your physical strength, or continuing your education. Joining the Army offers many rewards,but you must meet the requirements to enjoy them.It is the day after Memorial Day and most people are returning to work. The parades and fireworks are done, the picnics eaten and the gardens planted. But, for me, the significance of the day still lingers.
There were many sentiments shared regarding our Armed Forces and those that serve our country. Regardless of your beliefs and political views, there is no doubt we need to recognize how fortunate we are to have such protection for our Rights Liberty and Freedoms.I was thinking about what I take for granted, the choices I have, the times I spend moaning about the cost of groceries or gas and it hit me. I have that right because someone's relative fought in my name. They did not know me, were strangers to me, but they went to war and as a result, I am a free person with more rights than so many others in third world countries.I never signed up for the Army, Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, or Marines Corp. I know my Dad served in the Army but did not see battle. I know my Grandpa Joe was in the Army but do not remember where or when. So, for me personally, I have not dealt with anyone who had war duty and how it affected them.
What all you need to be able to join the military services is courage and determination. There is a vast scope for promotion and salaries hike in the services and numerous other benefits are given by the authorities to the defense personnel. Today, the U.S. military is the second largest after the China and has its troops deployed all around the globe. More recently in early 2007, the Secretary of Defense has proposed to the President to increase the staff strength of military by 92,000 troops over a span of five years. The U.S. military budget is the highest of any country in the world. The disciplined and multifaceted work environment in the forces improves and refines the lifestyle of its personnel and their families.
The military services of the United States are structured into five branches namely.U.S. Army,U.S. Marine Corps,U.S. Navy,U.S. Air Force,U.S, Coast Guard.All branches of the military services are part of the United States Uniformed Services and are operated under the civilian control of the President serving as commander-in-chief. All branches except the Coast Guard are part of the Department of Defense under the authority of the Secretary of Defense, who is again a civilian. The category - Coast Guard, falls under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security. Just like any other military, the members of the U.S. Armed Forces hold a rank, either an officer or enlisted and are promoted accordingly.
The military entrance requirements vary somewhat depending whether you want to be on active duty, in the reserve, or in the guard.Age Limits For The Army: Active Duty 17-42. Reserve 17-40. Guard 17-35.Age Limits For The Air Force: Active Duty 17-27. Reserve 17-34. Guard 17-40.Age Limits For The Navy: Active Duty 17-34. Reserve 18-39.Age Limits For The Marine Corp: Active Duty 17-29. Reserve 17-29,Age Limits For The Coast Guard: Active Duty 17-27. Reserve 17-39.Citizenship Requirements Vary.The military defends our country, but you do not have to be a US citizen to join. As long as you are a permanent resident alien with a green card, you can join up. If you want to become a US citizen, your naturalization process will be fast-tracked, so you can attain that goal within a year.If you are interested in joining the military, you should examine all branches to see which one is the best fit for you. A recruiter for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard can tell you the specific requirements for joining and, if accepted, enjoying a fulfilling career opportunity where what you do matters to many people beyond yourself.
A quick overview of what happens once you decide to join the military is perhaps the place to start. You will have to contact your recruiter, fill out a mountain of paperwork and undergo a background check. You will have to pass a variety of examinations including fitness, medical, vision, hearing, psychological, and academic.This process can take anywhere from a few short weeks or longer depending on what is involved in your individual situation. Once you pass and qualify you will receive a bootcamp or ship date.
There are a number of benefits to joining the Coast Guard. If you are considering signing up, contact your local Coast Guard recruitment office or visit their official website.n a world where you may feel that what you do has little impact on anyone else, becoming a soldier gives you a chance to make a difference. In order to make this important contribution, you must know the requirements to join the Army so you can prepare yourself for service. Your Army recruiter can tell you about opportunities in the service, but you must meet some basic requirements. Non-negotiable Requirements To Join The Army,The Army offers you opportunities for service and for career training, but you must come in with a high school diploma. Have a GED? The Army may accept you, but you won't get as far as soldiers with diplomas. If you have taken at least 15 credit hours after receiving your GED, you will be given full credit for the GED.To be useful in performing their duties, soldiers must be in good physical shape. You need to be in good health,have good physical condition, and pass a standard physical. You don't need perfect eyesight even to work in aviation, but your vision problems must be correctable by lenses, contacts, or laser surgery
The Army depends on the vigor of youth, but you must be at least 18 to join the service, although a parent or guardian may sign a consent form if you want to enter at 17. Active-duty soldiers must be between 17 and 42, reservists between 17 and 40, and guard soldiers between 17 and 35.Your Citizenship's Status,The Army accepts any legal permit resident of the United States with a green card that substantiates his resident alien status for enlistment in the U.S. Army. If the recruit wants to become a citizen, he will be fast-tracked along the road to naturalization. Until that time, he might be restricted from performing some Army jobs, but he will treated as a citizen within the Army. US citizenship at the time of recruitment is not a requirement to join the Army.
By the way, if you considering joining the military you should download my free ebook: "Raise Your ASVAB Score With 10 Simple Tips" . The Coast Guard's Aviation Trainng Center in Mobile, Alabama has a dual mission. The first is to train newly winged Coast Guard pilots to fly the aircraft they'll be flying once they join the fleet.The second is to maintain the qualifications of fleet aviators.When you finish flight school you'll be assigned to fly fly either the HH-60 Jayhawk, HH-65 Dauphin, HU-25 Guardian, HC-144 Ocean Sentry of the HC 130 Hercules. Pilots for every aircraft listed above (except C-130 pilots who train with the Air Force) will go the ATC.When you go to the ATC you'll be a winged pilot. In other words you'll be official but you are still at the beginning of your journey. Be proud of earning your wings but realize you still have a lot to learn.It's the Aviation Training Center's job to make sure that you have a firm understanding and knowledge of the aircraft you'll be flying when you get to your operational air station.Coast guard pilots have a lot of responsibility placed on their shoulders. The C.G. is the premier maritime law enforcement agency and stands shoulder to shoulder with other agencies (such as the FBI) in preventing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Coastie aviation plays a vital role in both of these areas.Once you become qualified in your aircraft you'll go one of the many operation air stations across the nation where you'll gain real world experience with your aircraft and the various missions performed, by men and women like you, day in and day out.
Before enlisting, you should know the requirements to join the Army to make sure you can meet them. In many cases, you can do what is necessary to enlist, such as losing weight, developing your physical strength, or continuing your education. Joining the Army offers many rewards,but you must meet the requirements to enjoy them.It is the day after Memorial Day and most people are returning to work. The parades and fireworks are done, the picnics eaten and the gardens planted. But, for me, the significance of the day still lingers.
There were many sentiments shared regarding our Armed Forces and those that serve our country. Regardless of your beliefs and political views, there is no doubt we need to recognize how fortunate we are to have such protection for our Rights Liberty and Freedoms.I was thinking about what I take for granted, the choices I have, the times I spend moaning about the cost of groceries or gas and it hit me. I have that right because someone's relative fought in my name. They did not know me, were strangers to me, but they went to war and as a result, I am a free person with more rights than so many others in third world countries.I never signed up for the Army, Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, or Marines Corp. I know my Dad served in the Army but did not see battle. I know my Grandpa Joe was in the Army but do not remember where or when. So, for me personally, I have not dealt with anyone who had war duty and how it affected them.
What all you need to be able to join the military services is courage and determination. There is a vast scope for promotion and salaries hike in the services and numerous other benefits are given by the authorities to the defense personnel. Today, the U.S. military is the second largest after the China and has its troops deployed all around the globe. More recently in early 2007, the Secretary of Defense has proposed to the President to increase the staff strength of military by 92,000 troops over a span of five years. The U.S. military budget is the highest of any country in the world. The disciplined and multifaceted work environment in the forces improves and refines the lifestyle of its personnel and their families.
The military services of the United States are structured into five branches namely.U.S. Army,U.S. Marine Corps,U.S. Navy,U.S. Air Force,U.S, Coast Guard.All branches of the military services are part of the United States Uniformed Services and are operated under the civilian control of the President serving as commander-in-chief. All branches except the Coast Guard are part of the Department of Defense under the authority of the Secretary of Defense, who is again a civilian. The category - Coast Guard, falls under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security. Just like any other military, the members of the U.S. Armed Forces hold a rank, either an officer or enlisted and are promoted accordingly.
The military entrance requirements vary somewhat depending whether you want to be on active duty, in the reserve, or in the guard.Age Limits For The Army: Active Duty 17-42. Reserve 17-40. Guard 17-35.Age Limits For The Air Force: Active Duty 17-27. Reserve 17-34. Guard 17-40.Age Limits For The Navy: Active Duty 17-34. Reserve 18-39.Age Limits For The Marine Corp: Active Duty 17-29. Reserve 17-29,Age Limits For The Coast Guard: Active Duty 17-27. Reserve 17-39.Citizenship Requirements Vary.The military defends our country, but you do not have to be a US citizen to join. As long as you are a permanent resident alien with a green card, you can join up. If you want to become a US citizen, your naturalization process will be fast-tracked, so you can attain that goal within a year.If you are interested in joining the military, you should examine all branches to see which one is the best fit for you. A recruiter for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard can tell you the specific requirements for joining and, if accepted, enjoying a fulfilling career opportunity where what you do matters to many people beyond yourself.