When parents decide to talk to your children about the "facts of life" ,healthy eating facts for kids usually leads to one of those embarrassing situations ( from the point of view of children) where parents feel it is their duty to carry out make sure your children know how to make a baby. The real irony is that how babies are made is only a small part of the true " facts of life . " We seem to forget that there are many important facts that children need to know about life .healthy eating facts for kids The first of them is health.
healthy eating activities for kids
Good health is the foundation of our quality of life . The healthier we are the best we operate in all aspects of life. So how education of young children is for the health of their families , their teachers or books? Usually learn something about the human body organs and operation. They can learn about healthy behaviors - diet ,healthy eating facts for kids hygiene , exercise, etc. can be told what they should and should not do ,healthy eating facts for kids especially when it comes to sex , smoking , alcohol consumption and medication.
healthy eating activities for kids
However, if you look at the statistics of youth health ,healthy eating activities for kids it seems that all children can learn the facts ,healthy eating activities for kids often do not translate into action . The rise in obesity among children shows that the facts of a healthy diet are not real for young people.healthy eating facts for kids The levels of youth alcohol consumption , smoking and drug use show that all the information young people receive does not have the desired impact .healthy eating facts for kids
healthy eating activities for kids
So what are the most important facts of life is that children should learn at home when they are still young ?
healthy eating facts for kids
There are two basic priorities that could transform the life of every individual.
healthy eating activities for kids
1. How to be healthy.healthy eating facts for kids
Two . How to prevent the disease.healthy eating facts for kids
Now we know a lot about health and not much we can do to prevent all diseases. However, very pragmatic knowledge is only effective if applied .healthy eating activities for kids If we want to effectively teach children 's health ,healthy eating facts for kids give them education really changes their behavior. If you want to prevent heart disease , it is not enough to know the fiscal theory .healthy eating facts for kids You should exercise regularly.healthy eating activities for kids
healthy eating activities for kids
If we want to provide effective health education ,healthy eating facts for kids we must change our approach to education so that we can measure changes in the behavior of children and not healthy eating facts for kids on what they can memorize or write on a piece of paper. The most useful knowledge on health can not be measured in behavior and action. The words and information have no real meaning unless translated into behavior.healthy eating facts for kids
healthy eating activities for kids
We find it unacceptable that children leave school unable to read or write. We hope that every child is able to count and calculate .healthy eating facts for kids All children learn " facts of life " organic .healthy eating facts for kids But health is more important than any of these. Should be considered more fundamental than math and literacy . We must ensure that children can not go to the issue of health until they are healthy . Health is a prerequisite for a good quality of life.healthy eating facts for kids Do not give children the right to choose if they learn to read and write. There should be no choice as to whether they are healthy or not.
If you want to start making a difference in the health of a child now , it's simple . Take one of the health issues that you consider important ,healthy eating facts for kids such as eating more fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet . First make sure it is set a good example. If it takes a little time to adjust to their own behavior. Then start talking to children to eat more fruits and vegetables. Be sure to always have fruits and vegetables available in food. Explain why it is good for them. Never lecture them or angry or emotional. Just silence and persistently not let the message that it is healthy to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Always let them know why. You may have to repeat this regularly for a few weeks . But after a time, will take the message themselves. Even they can be taught to see their friends (or their dolls and other toys ) to eat more fruits and vegetables. This simple approach can be applied to all aspects of health and because it is an experience they will never forget .healthy eating facts for kids
Sarah McCrum is the director of the Academy of Educational potential , with a particular interest in the development of education to prepare people for a future that will likely be very different from today.healthy eating facts for kids