Having problems with your employees, sales and industrial productivity? If yes, you are one of those companies that are at risk of massive labor turnover and bankruptcy. To address the problem, you need to find means of solving your problem. To gain some insights on solving the problem, read the article below.
Employees are not robots that you would only switch on and programmed what you want them to do, they are also human beings subject to stress and disappointment. Without proper motivation and management, it would result to low industrial productivity, massive labor turnover and low sales.
To solve the problem, you should value your workers, provide them with a healthy working environment and professional coaching.
Coaching is a step-by-step process to energize, to inspire and to develop individual, a group or a business to deliver achievement, fulfillment and joy.
Due to the growing competition among companies, each firm find means to become competitive and to create a conducive environment for growth. Because of the great need for change, the demand for business coaching grew. Companies used the scheme to create an environment for growth and to adapt to change.
Figures show that 58% of small and medium-size firms used the initiative not only to augment their businesses, but also achieve personnel skills and performance.
It is the process of reducing or removing barriers, like fear and doubt, to development, learning and betterment of a person, a group or a company to become successful. It is not only used in career development, but it is also to companies and executives.
Benefits to business enterprises:
· Enables you to set practical goals
· Lets you identify and maximize business ideas and opportunities
· Lets you understand your desire
· Enables you to become creative and challenged
· Lets you stay focused and keep you on track
· Lets you improve your methods, procedures and systems
· Improves relationship between management and workers
· Increase employee's productivity
When employees are given training, it does not only improve relationships between their co-workers and management, but it also increase productivity and improves quality of work. By allowing their employees to establish link between personal needs and the organization itself, employees get satisfied, thus, they work harder and smarter. It also helps them attain their peak performance for the betterment of the team.
It is the most efficient and effective method of maximizing, developing and unleashing the abilities and potentials of each workers. By harnessing the abilities and talents of their employees, business enterprises achieve business goal and professional success. Once productivity and quality increased, customer complaints are minimized, otherwise customer complaints augmented and would lead to lost sales. It does not only lead to reduction of operating costs, but firms also get average return of investment (ROI) on the cost of associated with training programs.
Moreover, it also helps companies achieve a conducive working environment, improves working relationships, augments communication and decision-making, improves employees' working conditions and builds health teams among workers. It also helps workers cope up with the stress they experienced in their personal and professional lives.
When employees are satisfied with their work, it would result to low turnover rates. Moreover, it utilizes the core strengths of workers enabling them to utilize them to the fullest. When workers' leadership and creativity are cultivated, change and innovation becomes possible.
According to figures from the International Coaching Federation, the said initiative lowers stress levels by 57%, increases self-confidence by 52%, self-discovery by 53%, goals setting by 62%, self-awareness by 67% and more balanced life by 60%.
Christina Cordle enjoys writing for Coachestrainingblog which is an online resource on become a life coach and life coach salaries as well as other related subjects.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_Cordle