Montessori preschool or the Montessori method of education has proved to be the best system of education for preschool kids. It is a very innovative educational system where a perfect learning environment is created for the kids so that they naturally develop an urge to learn with an eagerness for knowledge. The system gives focus on the overall physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of a child.
Characteristics of Montessori
• Multi age grouping - This facilitates peer learning as children of different age groups get a chance to interact each other. The older children impart their skills and knowledge to the younger ones. Moreover, these schools train the child to socialize with others.
• Uninterrupted blocks of work time
• Discovery model - Unlike learning a concept through instruction, here the children work with materials and learn it.
• Guided choice of work activity
• Montessori learning materials
The early years of a child are a very crucial phase and have an influence in the development of his/her personality. The traits which he learns during the childhood stay with him throughout the life. So molding of a child must begin from this phase itself. Though parents play an integral role in the molding of a child's personality, they will not be able to impart all the necessary approaches which are essential for a child's overall development.
Moreover, due to work commitments, the parents may not be able to give the child proper attention. Montessori preschools work on the nourishment of the overall character of a child. Rather than the regular classroom sessions, here the child gets an opportunity to interact with children from different age groups. This interactive form of learning helps him develop his innate skills and talents in a healthy environment.
The cognitive powers like tasting, smelling, hearing, touching, movement and seeing is also enhanced through these sensory-motor activities. The teacher guides the child in pursuing his interest in this environment. So a close interaction between the children, teacher and the environment takes place. The children also get the freedom and independence to do the activities which are of his interest. The child develops an interest for academics and extracurricular activities here which will help him in the next stage of school. Subsequently, he will be able to have a rewarding career which is of his/her interest.
The strong academic base imparted to the child in the Montessori school will help him learn other concepts in academics as well as society. So your children must be enrolled in a top notch Montessori school for ensuring a sound overall development.
If you are looking for a good school in Gilbert and Chandler AZ, Arizona area.Visit Spondeo Preschool
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